Signal Generator Suite

Software description
Signal Generator Suite is an advanced yet simple to use all-in-one tool to generate lossless WAV PCM audio file, created by Teodoro Toscano (Northumber), distributed by KRIEG Technologies to be free-to-use and redistribute.
SGS is the most configurable suite to generate audio file in the world, extremely portable, optimized for speed and very low RAM consumption.
Application is written in C++, capable of create WAV file…
- Up to 32 bit depth (16, 24, 32 bit)
- Up to 768.000 Hz of sample rate (all standard samplerate from 8kHz to 768kHz)
- Up to 100.000 Hz of frequency (from 1 to 100kHz)
- Up to 300 seconds of time (from 0.1 to 300 sec)
- Up to 8 channels per file (from 1 to 8 channels)
- With odd channel number option (channels can be 1, 3, 5, etc)
Capable to generate sine, square, sawtooth and triangle at static frequency or frequency sweeps (both linear an logarithmic), dc signals, adding offsets, generate noise profiles or adding them to the waves and also intermodulate a sine wave of desired frequency and amplitude in all the signals. All of this with a sample preview included.
Windows Executable - x86/x64 | rev. [3.0] | |
Software requirements: Windows 7 SP1 or newer version, .NET Framework 4.8 or newer version. By downloading this program you accept the terms of EULA. |